Fabricio Murai is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science and Data Science at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). His research lies in the application of mathematical modeling, statistics and machine learning to computer, informational and social networks. He has published in top scientific journals such as IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery and ACM TKDD. He serves as a TPC member for the IEEE INFOCOM, ACM SIGKDD and WWW.
Download my CV.
PhD in Computer Science, 2016
University of Massachusetts Amherst
MSc in Computer Science, 2014
University of Massachusetts Amherst
MSc in Systems and Comp. Engineering, 2011
COPPE - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
BSc in Computer Science, 2007
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
In this project, we will collect, model, and analyze code development repositories for pattern mining using graph and machine learning techniques.
A joint internationalization project between UFMG and PoliTO funded by Compagnia di San Paolo.
The key role of the web in our society requires mechanisms to guarantee its legitimate. Such mechanisms demand novel methodologies to cope with complex and multi-dimensional big data, for which ground truth is inherently lacking. We will build models that combine information from multiple sources (e.g., online social networks and network measurements) to uncover fake profiles and suspicious activities, enhancing the legitimate use of the web.
Awarded in Serrapilheira’s 4th Call.
Detection of illegal rural roads, location of areas with greater risk for dengue and identification of plant and animal species that indicate climate change.
An R&D project in collaboration with Inter Bank.
An R&D project in collaboration with COSS and Minasligas.
A research collaboration with Prof. Bruno Ribeiro (Purdue University) funded by CAPES/PrInt.
Deep learning has recently made great strides in solving increasingly complex tasks by simply mapping vector inputs to desired outputs. Still, the fundamental problem of building neural networks that can account for pre-defined input invariances of these vectors remains largely open.
ATMOSPHERE aims to design and implement a framework and platform relying on lightweight virtualization, hybrid resources and Europe and Brazil federated infrastructures to develop, build, deploy, measure and evolve trustworthy, cloud-enabled applications.
Current MSc Students:
Current Undergrad Students (on REU program):
Former MSc Students:
Daniel Mello Prado (2021)
Dissertation: Generative Adversarial Networks For Hierarchical Clustering
Applying for Doctorate Program abroad
Davi Pedrosa de Aguiar (2021)
Dissertation: Predicting Heart Rate During Physical Activities Using Artificial Neural Networks
Software Engineer at Treinus
Bárbara Silveira Fraga (2019)
Dissertation: Characterizing and Predicting User Emotional Tone in Mental Health Disorder Online Communities
Data Science - Tech Lead at A3Data and Lecturer for MBA courses at PUC-Minas
Rafael Sales Medina Ferreira (2019)
Dissertation: Impact of Online Social Communities in Language Learning
Data Science - Software Engineer at Cadence Design Systems
Residency Programs:
Training Programs:
PETROBRAS: Artificial Intelligence applied to Geosciences (2021-2024)
Coordinator and Instructor
PETROBRAS: Introduction to Machine Learning (2020)
PETROBRAS: Artificial Intelligence applied to Geosciences (2019)
Microsoft Reactor Sao Paulo Workshops: